Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chaos Daemons - Fiends of Slaanesh (set of 6)

Fiends of Slaanesh are one of the best elite options for Chaos Daemons but unfortunately they have some of the oldest, unsightly, and expensive models.  This squad was made from a box of Slaanesh Seekers +1 extra model purchased from eBay (project cost: $28 for 190pts, instead of $130+ retail ).

I started by removing the saddle and stirrup from the model with a razor blade, then attaching some left over Ork arms.  I cut the Ork hands off and replaced them with the claws from the Slaanesh Daemonettes.  A few extra spiky bits were glued/greenstuffed to the spine.

Over all this was a fairly simple modification with decent results, and still fits with the overall feeling of Slaanesh.

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