Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath -Skaven Hell Pit Abomination Kitbash

I recently picked up the body from the Skaven Hell Pit Abomination on Ebay for $10, combined with some left over Deamon Prince bits, and Lord of the Rings Ogre bits, was able to construct the start of my Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath.  It is still a very early work in progress, with a lot of work to do on the head, and various greenstuff goodies throughout the body .

Left over Daemon Prince wing and a dremmel tool

Added in a sickle to add to the Nurgle aspect.

Side view of the head shows how much work is left to do...

Good view of the back shows the shoulder muscles and underbelly

Underbelly in greenstuff

updates to come....


  1. That is a very creative kitbash! I'm liking it a lot, and I can't wait to see it painted.

  2. That's just awesome. One of the best kit bashings I've seen.

  3. i love it, the only thing I am not particularly fond of is the head. It doesn't seem nurglish to me at all.

  4. Thanks for the support, and yeah I see where you are coming from Tylermenz, the head need lots of work, my hope was to use the jaw aspect, and greenstuff in the upper section (eyes, nose, antler?). In the end I may just end up taking it off if I am not happy with it. If anyone else knows of a possible head that would look good let me know. Thank!!

  5. Just saw your blog Tylermenz, good stuff, added you to the roll...

  6. Once again you put together a suitably chaotic and nasty mini, nice work! Hollowing out the prince's wing was a wonderful touch.

  7. Thanks Matthew! appreciate the feedback, I am thinking about doing something similar around the face and neck to help tie the look together...

    Side note: pretty sure I will also run this as a Summoned Greater Daemon for my dedicated Nurgle Space Marine lists.
