Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Khorne Army Progress - Chaos Space Marines

So I am continuing the documentation of my Chaos Space Marine Army progress, today with Khorne.  I do not yet have a playable Khorne only force, but this should help with the general direction I want the army to go.  We will start off with the troops, a set of 10 Khorne Bezerkers, including a Champ with Fist or Power Weapon.

Next up is their transport, standard Rhino with Havoc Launcher, and a few extra bits from the Khorne Bloodletter/Bloodcrusher box, and a healthy amount hooks to hang trophies.  Still needs a LOT of work...

Followed by my HQ, a Deamon Prince of Khorne, nice and cheap points wise and always a good fire magnet.  

The last set, while not exactly a Chaos Space Marine model, does have some interesting options.  I could possibly run a couple of these as "run as" Daemon Princes (correct Base size), and run my current HQ as Summoned Greater Deamon.

I figure, in order to get this army playable I will need to get some more troops (probably Lesser Daemons), and a few more flare units.  My goal of this army is not to be competitive, but just to have a fun cool looking themed army.  More to come... 


  1. WIP awesome concept...one of those face palming why didn't I thnk of that. They look great.

  2. Thanks! never been a fan of the standard Bezerker model, and am happy with the way they came out. However with the cost of the CSM, plus the possessed arms and Bloodletter heads, this was one of my more expensive mods.

  3. It appears that you had your Sunday Best on when you published this post. I hope you don't mind me throwing you and your blog a shout out on my weekly themed top-x. Cheers and thanks for not only sharing but for inspiring me.

  4. Always appreciate the shout out HOTPanda. Glad you like it and thanks!
