Monday, April 16, 2012

Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath / Greater Daemon - Painting update

Here is the latest update on my Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath / Greater Daemon model.  I went through a series of 4 washes on top of my high/low black/white primer.  I started with a black wash, followed by a green wash, dark, green wash, brown wash, and back to a black wash. 

I believe the colors are a bit washed out, maybe due to the lighting or bulb choice.  The actual model appears to be much greener than these pictures depict.  I am still trying to get my lighting and backdrop perfected.  I have been adding a bit more color to the back drop and have added a second light source for these shots.

Next step will be to add in the bone color for many of the spikes and appendages, followed by the metallic copper/bronze for the armor and weapons.  Updates to come...


  1. Gruesome!

    That kinda looks awesome.

  2. Thanks Tony, looking forward to getting some more work done on it soon.
