Friday, November 11, 2011

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Dreadnought with Missile Launcher

Another AoBR Dreadnought converted to Chaos. The missile launcher was constructed from the standard Space Marine missile launcher model that came with AoBR as well.  The base was a combination of left over bits and sand, and the model will "eventually' be painted to match my Chaos Defiler.  A generous amount of greenstuff corruption was added to the model to help differentiate from the original.  I tried to pose this model at an angle to make it a little more dynamic, and maybe add to the crazed look a bit.

Many of my bases are unfinished as I decided on a sand color that has been applied to many models, only to find out Michaels stopped carrying my brand of paint (Delta Ceramcoat).  I have been looking around for other alternatives, but will probably end buying it mail order.

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