Monday, November 21, 2011

Need Help deciding on Chaos Space Marine Chapter: possible Hakanor's Reavers?

So I need some guidance and ideas regarding what Chapter best fits the look of my currently unmarked Chaos Space Marines.  I have been holding off on any additional colors as I want it to reflect what chapter I am going for.  Obviously, red will cover the majority of the model but the undecided accent colors will help associate it with my mystery CSM Chapter.

Please leave your thoughts on what color paint and Chapter you think would look the best.

One friend has suggested Hakanor's Reavers which does fit nicely....

Here some info from the Lexicanum...
Hakanor's Reavers
"Hakanor's Reavers are a group of Chaos Space Marines under the leadership of Hakanor, a Daemon Prince formerly known as the Chapter Master Prometian. The armour of these warriors burns with a magical heat, causing it to constantly crack and reform like lava."

Current Un-marked List Includes:
All comments welcome...


  1. The red is so rich in colour. I say just paint them how you want to and them be your own renegade chapter in the end.

  2. I am thinking about a possible bone color for all the corrupted (greenstuffed)areas.

  3. Hakanor's Reavers have a color scheme, it is black with the lava effect. It isn't that hard to paint, I did a tutorial for it.

  4. Wow, nice tutorial, might need to pick a different chapter, due to wanting to keep most of the red. Maybe something with a lot of deamonic possession, to explain all the corruption...
