Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Plague Bugs - Nurgle Army progress so far - Chaos Space Marines

This is the progress of my ongoing Nurgle Army the Plague Bugs.  I wanted something a little different than most other Nurgle armies so I decided to concentrate less on the disease aspect of the army and focus in on the insect, cloud of flies, fluff a little more.  So it only seemed natural to use Tyranid parts for this project.

We will start off with the Troops, so far I have a set of 10, I know not very Nurgle of me, but it was what I had.  I plan on making 4 more (Champion, 2 special weapons, and vanilla) so I have 2 squads of 7 with special weapons.

Next we have the transport, a Nugle Rhino with Havoc Launcher.  I can run this with extra armor or Daemonic Possesion if needed but the cost rarely seem worth the points.  Hopefully in the new Chaos Space Marine/Renegade/Legions codex we will get some additional options for transport... Dread Claw finally... hopefully...  When the new codex comes out, I will decide on what the second transport will be.

Now for the all impressive Chaos Space Marine Fast Attack section.  Normally would not put any effort into this section, but it was a dual purpose model for my Chaos Daemon army as well.  Unfortunately it does not matter if I run these as my Chaos Spawn, or Beast of Nurgle they perform about the same... poorly.  But since I am running a dedicated Nurgle list, I wanted to include them. Here is the set of 3:

Next up is the HQ section.  One Chaos Space Marine Nurgle Daemon Prince.  I am not finished with the weathering, greenstuff, or additional Nid parts, but here is where it stands now...

Lastly is the Nurgle Defiler, or the Plague Spider.  As with the DP, still need to weather, greenstuff, and some additional Nid bits.  The Plague Spider is equipped with a Heavy Flamer and Heavy Bolter.

Still left to build:
  • 2 squads of 7 Summoned Deamons
  • 1 Greater Deamon (which will double as my Great Unclean One/Kugath for Chaos Deamon list)
  • Unknown Heavy Support tank....
As always comments always welcome...


  1. As a fellow follower of Nurgle, I commend you. I like your approach and the use of Tyranid bits is great. That Rhino is just awesome. I'll definitely check in on your progress. Shaping up to be a great army.

  2. Great use of Nid bits for Nurgle, well done. I love those spawn!

  3. @Thor: Thanks for the encouraging words, I will hopefully have some updates for this army in coming months.

    @Mr.Esty: Yeah, the Nid bits are making it into many of my conversions, pretty sure they are my new favorite "lot" buy on eBay.

  4. I meant to leave a comment in here a week back, but it looks like it didn't stick. These are some exceptionally converted chaos models, good work.

  5. Thanks! really enjoy trying to get a new spin on different themes for common armies. Cant wait to field a whole table full of Nurgly goodness.

  6. Lovely conversions. Great work buddy.

  7. Thanks! just purchased a set of Rat Ogres that I am going to try and make into a set of Nurgle Obliterators. Hopefully some progress coming soon, been on hold due to the holidays.
