Thursday, December 1, 2011

What model would you proxy this as? Bloodthirster, Skulltaker, Khorne Herald w Chariot, Khorne Daemon Prince

This model was originally created as my Khorne Daemon Prince, but as I started paying Chaos Daemons, I started thinking about what other slots this model could fill.  Here are some possible options:

  • Bloodthirster - always a sound choice
  • Skulltaker - maybe a bit overpriced compared to the Herald, but have heard people swear by him
  • Herald of Khorne on Chariot - also seems pretty like a good option with so many wounds and bonuses from the chariot, he is like a mini-monstrous creature.
  • Daemon Prince of Khorne - probably the worst choice for a DP, but still fun if you are going for a Khorne theme.

As always your thoughts and comments are always welcome...


  1. That is an awesome conversion! Way to think outside of the box. Reminds me of the human centipede.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, always appreciate the encouragement. As always most of my inspiration comes from trying to save money and figure out cheaper ways of building new models, especially when no models exist, or if I don't like current ones.

  3. I'd say herald on chariot definitely!

  4. Yeah the Herald on Chariot seems to be a great bargain for the points, and definately fits the model IMHO. Looking forward to the new Chaos-Renegade Codex coming out soon, may get some more options as well. Hopefully they will have a more effective Khorne DP.

  5. Yeah the Herald on Chariot seems to be a great bargain for the points, and definately fits the model IMHO. Looking forward to the new Chaos-Renegade Codex coming out soon, may get some more options as well. Hopefully they will have a more effective Khorne DP.
