Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath -Skaven Hell Pit Abomination Kitbash

I recently picked up the body from the Skaven Hell Pit Abomination on Ebay for $10, combined with some left over Deamon Prince bits, and Lord of the Rings Ogre bits, was able to construct the start of my Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath.  It is still a very early work in progress, with a lot of work to do on the head, and various greenstuff goodies throughout the body .

Left over Daemon Prince wing and a dremmel tool

Added in a sickle to add to the Nurgle aspect.

Side view of the head shows how much work is left to do...

Good view of the back shows the shoulder muscles and underbelly

Underbelly in greenstuff

updates to come....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Ork Clans United - Army Progress so far

In my continuing efforts to document my progress, and keep me motivated, I am posting my Ork clans Army progress so far.  I have decided to only post my vehicles and HQ's, to keep it some what short.

We will start of with the Goffs, which at the moment, have a Battlewagon, and 20 Ard' Boys with a squad of five Nob Bikers (post coming soon), led by a Warboss.

Followed by the Deathskulls who are led by A Big Mek equipped with a Burna and a Kustom Force Field.  He usually hangs out in the backfield protecting the Looted Wagon (which needs a bigger barrel).

After that is my Fast Attack section which seemed only right to reserve those slots for the Evil Suns or Speed Freaks.  These guys play the role of my anti-tank, and distraction units.  Three Warbuggies with twin-linked Rokkits, and Five Deffkoptas with twin-linked Rokkits (4 of the 5 pictured)

The Bad Moons are my personal favorite so far.  A squad of Killakans (which need to be re-based onto 60's mm... grumble..) lead by a Dread with two additional Close Combat weapons.  Supported by my favorite little Grot Kannons, as the Big Gunz.

Still very early in the making is the Blood Axes.  I plan on painting these guys in a desert cammo  theme, and give all the Boyz Beret's and guns with Bayonets to help them feel like a regimented squad.  The only thing completed at this time is their transportation, a single Trukk.

While being one of my favorite Clans, this is the one I have the hardest time with, the Sanke Bites.  Love the clan, but feel they are a little too dated with the bow and arrows, and rock throwing for my tastes.  I wanted mine to be a little more technologically advanced, and focus more on the animal aspect of the Clan.  My plan is to have my Battlewagon/Squiggoth accompanied by a group of Mega-Squigs/Mega-Nobz, led by a Wierdboy or possibly a Warboss with Big Choppa modeled after a giant Grot-herder.  Really excited about building the Mega-Squigs, but would like to find a decent base model, or at least a large mouth I can wrap a body and legs around with Greenstuff.  Much more to come on this soon... Hopefully.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Khorne Army Progress - Chaos Space Marines

So I am continuing the documentation of my Chaos Space Marine Army progress, today with Khorne.  I do not yet have a playable Khorne only force, but this should help with the general direction I want the army to go.  We will start off with the troops, a set of 10 Khorne Bezerkers, including a Champ with Fist or Power Weapon.

Next up is their transport, standard Rhino with Havoc Launcher, and a few extra bits from the Khorne Bloodletter/Bloodcrusher box, and a healthy amount hooks to hang trophies.  Still needs a LOT of work...

Followed by my HQ, a Deamon Prince of Khorne, nice and cheap points wise and always a good fire magnet.  

The last set, while not exactly a Chaos Space Marine model, does have some interesting options.  I could possibly run a couple of these as "run as" Daemon Princes (correct Base size), and run my current HQ as Summoned Greater Deamon.

I figure, in order to get this army playable I will need to get some more troops (probably Lesser Daemons), and a few more flare units.  My goal of this army is not to be competitive, but just to have a fun cool looking themed army.  More to come... 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Squiggoth Battlewagon WIP - Ork Clan Snakebites

Here is one the latest projects I am working on, still very early WIP.  I will be adding another level of walkway around the sides and rear, as well as armor plating to cover much of the front and sides.  Once completed I will add a larger lower jaw which will house several large tusks for my "run as" Deffrolla.

The plans for this model are to be ran as a standard Battlewagon in friendly games and a Squiggoth if I ever find anyone that plays Apocalypse games.  I do not know the exact size of the Squiggoths in Apoc since I do not have any of the Imperial Armor books just yet.... 90 bucks a pop is just a little rough.  However I would appreciate it if anyone would comment on the size of the Forge World Gargantuan Squiggoth model so I can see how close they are in size.

Here are the closeup shots showing the size.  It measures around 10" in length and around 6" in height, but will probably grow an inch or two by the time it is finished. :

I have also included some Orky high definition detailed sketches to get a better idea of what I am planning.  I did forget to add some spikey bits to the tail on the drawing, but you get the idea.