Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nurgle Obliterators - Skaven Rat Ogre Conversion (1 of 4)

Here is the first of my Nurgle Obliterators.  These are based off the Island of Blood Rat Ogres which I picked up from eBay for about 10 bucks.  Combined with some left over random guns and a few Tryranid bits, these things addes some nice points to my Nurgle army

Not totally sure, but I think the head is from the Fantasy Ogres. 

Here is a good shot of the Plasma Cannon, Lascannon, and Heavy Flamer.  All the different gun options available to the Obliterators make these a fun conversion project.  I originally only planned on making 2, but after I started I realized I will definitely be making 2 more...  Plus the 300 point addition for $20 is hard to beat.

A left over amour piece from a Deamon Prince kit makes for a nice shoulder pad, and helps add a little more 40k to this Fantasy model.

A Tyranid arm piece? I think? holds the heavy weapons above the head.  This view also displays the piano wire I used to add some more detail to the Plasma Cannon, and some green stuff corruption work.

One down and three to go.  Updates coming soon...


  1. I cannot wait to see them painted. Any ideas fermenting in that head of yours on how you colour them?

  2. I will be painting them with a series of washes to match the rest of my Nurgle Army. Here is an example:

  3. Those are some of the coolest obliterator conversions I have ever seen, unfotunately they aren't khorne, but not everyone can be perfect.

    Definately amazing, can't wait to see more

  4. hmmm... Khorne Obliterators, sounds like a good project. should have another one posted up tomorrow, possibly tonight if I can get them photographed in time...

  5. If you hadn't of said it was a rat ogre I wouldn't have known excellent conversion work. Really look forward to more of these.

  6. Thanks Warflake, appreciate the feedback. Should have another up tonight.
