Monday, February 27, 2012

Nurgle Obliterators - Skaven Rat Ogre Conversion (2 of 4)

Here is the second Obliterator, can't wait to start up the second batch of two more.  I ended up modding this one out with a Lascannon, Heavy Flamer, Plasma Gun, and a random OOP Bolter? I think...

Another Daemon Prince armor bit was added to the arm to cover part of the Lascannon. Another thing to mention are the fists of this model,  They really have a lot of conversion potential. I can see them being used on an Ork Warboss in the near future.

 Added some Guitar string for the power cables leading from the Lascannon to the tanks.

The next two shots show some of the green stuff corruption, couple boils, sores, etc...

The head and neck looked a little puny on its own, so a hefty amount of green stuff tumors and the like were added to help beef it up a bit.

Coming in the next few days, updates on my Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath conversion.


  1. It looks great! I've been thinking about building some Ogryn Obliterators for my death guard too. My only concern is making suitable weapons for them as I know some players will be fussy about WYSIWYG. Pretty tough on an Obliterator! I really like the pustules and cones you sculpted.

  2. Much more flavorful for Nurgle than just using Terminators as the base.

    Bravo, and yes those are Fantasy ogre heads.

  3. Thanks Cameron, and the Ogryn Oblits sound like a cool idea. send me a link when you get em started, and as far as WYSIWYG, I wouldn't stress on it with Oblits. Try putting 6 guns on a model and they tend to get a bit crowded, not to mention the official GW model is far from WYSIWYG.

    Thanks for the confirmation on the head swap Gigawatts, it will be easier to order more now that I know what they are. The fluff behind the Oblits seem to lend itself more to an organic creature, horribly mutated,than what I was happy with when attempting my first set of Terminator Oblits here...

  4. Fantastic work, such an ingenious use of skaven, ogres, and 40k bitz. Your sculpting work is also tops.

  5. Thanks Matthew, appreciate the feedback, and always looking at all model ranges for conversion ideas...

  6. These obliterators are really great, definitely some of the best that I have seen in awhile.

    The fact that you did something uniquely nurgle rather than just going with the bloated belly and pounds on mutated flesh is great, I am thinking of some way I can take the idea and convert it to Khorne, until then, I eagerly await further updates.

  7. Thanks Tylermnez, just throwing out some random ideas for the Khorne conversion... The Skulltaker model is quite large and if kitted out with carious guns could llook pretty sick. Another odd ball one would be to use the Khorne hounds from Daemons and add on some shoulder mounted or saddle back mounted weapons? or take a Bloodcrusher kit (no riders) and mount the guns on them? which might actually make for great set of Khorne dreads.

    hmm.... I feel a Khorne amry coming one soon. Think I will definately be making the dreads. sound too fun.

    Hope this helps. Post pics when you get them.

  8. Let me know if you need some Ogre bull heads. I have some from my Troll conversions that I am not going to use.

  9. Thanks Gigawatts, I only need 2 more... Are you local to AV Palmdale/Lancaster area?

  10. No, but I would be willing to mail them, if you need them. I'm out in the Kansas City area. Shipping wouldn't cost too much. Maybe we could do a bit exchange?

    If you interested, you can e-mail me from my blog's profile.
