Sunday, March 18, 2012

Great Unclean One / Ku'Gath - Skaven Hell Pit Abomination Kitbash (Update 2)

Got quite a bit of work completed recently on my GUO/Ku'Gath conversion.  I am much happier with the appearance of the head portion and added a decent amount of work to the back as well.  Dremmel drill weathering and sand were added to help Nurglize it a bit more.  Overall I approached this project as more of a giant Beast of Nurgle, or Plague Spawn, instead of the Classic GUO.

 I melted down plasticard tubing for the back vents, and like the look enough I am going to do it on my Nurgle Defiler as well.

The next couple shots show good views of the 3 eyes and fat sack attached to the head.  Looks suitably disgusting.


  1. I like how you used flock on the body. Also, the head is coming along really nice.

  2. I'm going to have nightmares tonight...

  3. Thanks Tylermenz, I wasn't sure at first about using the sand, but after seeing another model that I primed using the same technique, i think it will turn out ok.

  4. A very complete look.. there are a lot of very cool details in there! very nice..

  5. Very disgusting! I love the head. It will look really cool painted up. The greenstuff work connecting the wing and body is excellent. Great blending of the organic flesh. This model is insane. It will make a great centrepiece when it is finished.

  6. Thanks Cameron, this has definitely been one of those "keep adding stuff till it looks right" models. Appreciate the positive feedback!

  7. Looks like your Greater Daemon has ascended from the pits of hell. Hope you don't mind the shout out on my weekly themed top x. Big fan of Nurgle and I just had to shine some light on to your projects.

  8. Thanks Panda much appreciated. Always an honor.
