Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nurgle Demon Prince finally ready for primer...

So I finally got the last bit of weathering (dremmel drill and sand) finished on my Nurgle Demon Prince and he is now ready for some primer.  I am going to try a new technique this time and use both black and white primers, so that the majority of the model is white, while the recesses remain black, hopefully bringing some more depth to the model.  Updates coming soon...


  1. I order another nightmare for when I lay my head down tonight. Just thought you should know that my sleep is haunted by daemons that you have conjured up. Great work.

  2. Nice combo of kits and bits. I can almost hear it clunking towards its victims.

    I am interested in your new spraying technique because priming white has been tempting to me lately, but I miss the shadows black casts.

    I await your results.

  3. As awesome as that thing is, It is going to be one helluva thing to try and paint, looking forward to seeing the results.

  4. Thanks for the positive response guys, it is always appreciated. As fara as painting this thing... yeah will be quite a process, but I plan on using a series of dips and washes to accomplish the majority of the work, and then go back and touch up the metal, and bone bits.

  5. Not only did your Greater twist and revolt my insides till I puked but your Daemon Prince did as well. Awesome work on the Daemon Prince, hands down one of a kind. I through a shout out to your post on my weekly themed top x.

  6. Thanks for the shout out Panda. You were the one who actually inspired me to start my Blogger's Best series. I think it is important for the Blogger community to share and promote each others work.
