Friday, May 18, 2012

100+ Posts!

I finally made it over 100 posts.  When I first started this Blog I did not know how much I would like doing it, or how often I would post.  I initially went crazy and posted up 10 or so posts a day to get at much content as possible on the Blog.  Since then I have averaged out to around 2 posts a week, which seems to be manageable for me with family, work, and modeling....  Thanks to all for your words of encouragement, and positive support.  More to come.


  1. Oy! I don't read this blog for words!

    Where's me pretty pictures?!

    I demand some Nurgle post-haste!

    Congrats on the 100th post. I am chugging along at 39 as of today.

  2. Congrats on the first century! I've definitely been enjoying your blog, and I'm looking forward to reading more!

    Keep up the great work!

  3. Throughly enjoying watching your hobby process and the creativity that you put into each of your models. Congrats on the milestone. Here's to 100 more!!!

  4. ahhh, come on Gigawatts, guess i could of posted a pic of the number 100? currently out of town, so my pics selection is limited.

    Anyway really like your Warboss conversion with rocket propelled attack squig, and my vote is Lincoln.

    I am going to try working on some painting finally and maybe get some of these things finished up.

    Thanks for the feedback Mordian7th and HOTpanda!

  5. Congrats on the milestone! Many more!

  6. I will Abe my warboss now.

    Be ready for the Krumpapation Proclamation to free all Space Marines of their power armor.

  7. Looking forward to seeing it Gigawatts, and thanks Gorman!
