Monday, May 14, 2012

Plague Sorcerer, Marines, and Champion - Painting update

Got my five latest Nurgle additions primered up and ready for paint.  I went with my new standard of using both black and white primers. I am really happy with how these turned out, especially considering I only had one pair of legs, and some regular space marine bits.  Everything else was constructed from Tyranid, Daemon, and green stuff.  Almost 300 points from left over bits and a few hours of work!


  1. Hey WIP, I just did some catching up on your ongoing Plague Marine project. The models are awesome. It's cool to see Nurgle's influence depicted in ways other than bloated bellies and spilled guts. Great work, I look forward to seeing more.

  2. Thanks Matthew Ochs, appreciate the feedback! I was never too fond of the fat Space Marine look either, which is what brought me to the Possessed look. I happened to have a decent amount of Tyranid bits, so I just worked with what I had.

  3. These are looking great!
