Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ork - Deathskulls Big Mek with KFF Painting Update

Here is the latest painting update, I'll let the pics show the progress.

Good view of the Kustom Force Field.

This is a nice shot showing how drastically the model is banking.

Steps Completed:

  • 3 colors of green applied to skin
  • Yellow cable for highlight colors
  • 3 colors of metallic paints applied to engine, Kustom Force Field (KFF), burna, tires...
  • Black wash applied to complete model
  • Sponge silver paint, and silver Sharpie used for battle damage on the metallic areas
  • Base painted in the sand stone test #1 post

Friday, November 25, 2011

First Paint Test - Unmarked Chaos Space Marine Defiler

This is the first paint test for my heavily possessed CSM army.  I have included some close-ups of the green stuffed areas, apologize for the lighting, still trying to get something that does not wash out the highlight areas... maybe need a different color backdrop.

BTW, I am still hoping for some feedback on other possible color schemes for the fleshy areas, and possible Chapter choice for this army, I know could be a little late since I have already based the entire army in red but....

I plan on repainting the teeth, gums, tongue and slime, but this shot shows some of the work that went into the skull, and mouth. 

Paint test #1: Zombie Flesh (CSM Defiler)
  1. Covered the flesh in Delta Ceramcoat (DC) AC Flesh
  2. Light wash of black
  3. Drybrush of  DC AC Flesh
  4. Drybrush of DC Pale Lilac
  5. Drybrush of DC Green Tea

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Scenery Terrain - Hill with destroyed Chimera

Here is some more unfinished scenery/terrain.  A wooden cutout started the base of this with sand glued to a card board structure.  The tank was twisted and torn apart with pliers and wire cutters, and has been painted to a decent level for scenery.  The red sand color hill still needs to be finished to match my other projects.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Need Help deciding on Chaos Space Marine Chapter: possible Hakanor's Reavers?

So I need some guidance and ideas regarding what Chapter best fits the look of my currently unmarked Chaos Space Marines.  I have been holding off on any additional colors as I want it to reflect what chapter I am going for.  Obviously, red will cover the majority of the model but the undecided accent colors will help associate it with my mystery CSM Chapter.

Please leave your thoughts on what color paint and Chapter you think would look the best.

One friend has suggested Hakanor's Reavers which does fit nicely....

Here some info from the Lexicanum...
Hakanor's Reavers
"Hakanor's Reavers are a group of Chaos Space Marines under the leadership of Hakanor, a Daemon Prince formerly known as the Chapter Master Prometian. The armour of these warriors burns with a magical heat, causing it to constantly crack and reform like lava."

Current Un-marked List Includes:
All comments welcome...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Chosen / Havoc (Set of 13)

Thirteen more AoBR models, with greenstuff, and guitar strings.  Only the base coat has been completed at this time.

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Chosen / Havoc with Plasmas (Set of 4)

Four more AoBR models, with greenstuff, and guitar strings.  Only the base coat has been completed at this time.  I borrowed the internet's idea for the guy on the left...unfortunately I was left with the AoBR un-movable head syndrome.. (picture used without internet's permission)

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Chosen / Havoc with Meltas (Set of 4)

Four more AoBR models, with greenstuff, and guitar strings.  Only the base coat has been completed at this time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Chosen / Havoc with Flamers (Set of 4)

Four more AoBR models, with greenstuff, and guitar strings.  Only the base coat has been completed at this time.

Chaos Space Marine - Unmarked Lord with Deamon Weapon

The AoBR Captain was used for the conversion.  I used the dremmel and greenstuff to get the corruption.  Only the base color has been finished at this point.

Ork Clans - Evil Sunz Grots (Set of 7)

This set of 7 Grots were made from Fantasy Noblars.  One of these models were cut in half in order to gain another model, and change up the poses a bit.  I used a capacitor as the barrel and drilled a few holes for the eyes.  I think it added to the comic feeling of the the Grots.   These may be re-painted to be the crew of my Big Gunz, but not quite sure yet.  I have around 50+ more Noblars, so many more Grot conversion projects to come.